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ACMRO News February 2020

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Cardinal Michael Czerny and Cardinal Konrad Krajewski call EU Bishops’ Conferences to launch relocation projects for refugees in Greece.

A letter to EU Episcopal Conferences for a strong call for relocating refugees stuck indefinitely in Lesbos and other temporary camps in Greece is signed by three leading Cardinals of the Catholic Church.

Encouraged by the Holy Father’s words and following the successful experiences with the relocation and integration of refugee families in the Vatican City and in the Archdiocese of Luxembourg, the Cardinals invites the Church in the EU “not to remain indifferent” and to give back hope to these persons.

To read the letter, please click here.

Pope Francis: “Healing the wound that exploits the weakest, demands the commitment of all”.

On 9 February, during the Angelus at St Peter’s Square, Pope Francis emphasized that criminal organizations that use modern means of communication to lure victims is increasing. Pope Francis also mentioned the importance of educating people on the healthy use of technology.

To read the Angelus, please click here.

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