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Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office

ACMRO News February 2024

The registration for the 7th ACMRO National Conference 2024 is now open

The ACMRO team is pleased to announce that registration for the 7th ACMRO National Conference 2024 is now open. The conference, with the theme: “Welcoming seasonal workers in Australia: Gift and Responsibility” will address the issues of seasonal and migrant workers in Australia, emphasising their contributions to Australian society beyond their labour. Seasonal workers come from overseas, specifically from 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Leste, and travel and work temporarily in Australia. They do not only come to Australia to support their families, but they also bring rich cultural experiences, traditions, language, and faith. The conference will explore how faith communities in Australia and Australian society can welcome and learn from these gifts, fostering positive change.

The conference, which runs from 18 July to 19 July 2024 at ACU Melbourne, will provide delegates with an opportunity to receive formation through the lens of the Gospel values and the Catholic Church’s social justice, specifically emphasising the moral responsibility to ensure that migrant workers are treated justly and with respect while working in Australia. It will encourage people across the country to actively support seasonal and migrant workers, particularly those from the Pacific islands and Timor-Leste. Moreover, the conference will serve as a platform for raising awareness and promoting just outcomes for seasonal and migrant workers through informed discussions, advocacy, and policy development in support of these vulnerable workers, emphasising the social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of this critical issue.

Please visit the ACMRO website to obtain more information and to register.

Global Coalition for Social Justice endorsed by ILO Governing Body

The Global Coalition seeks to advance national priorities by fostering tangible initiatives towards social justice and decent work and by aiming to garner greater political commitments and investments. In advocating for social justice and mobilising support for its inclusion and recognition in the multilateral agenda, the Coalition will increase multilateral cooperation and partnerships. This will be especially important at the UN Summit of the Future in 2024 and the planned UN World Social Summit in 2025.

The Coalition will bring together the International Labour Organisation's (ILO) tripartite constituents, international and regional organisations that support the cause of social justice, such as enterprises, non-governmental organisations, governments, workers' organisations, employer organisations, and international financial institutions.

To read the full article, please click here.

“God walks with His people”: Theme for World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2024 announced

The theme for this year's World Day of Migrants and Refugees was announced by the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. Catholics have had an opportunity to commemorate and pray for those who have been displaced due to conflict, persecution, and economic challenges since 1914, marking the 110th World Day this year.

This year’s World Day, which falls on Sunday, 29 September 2024, has “God walks with His people” as its theme. The Dicastery, in a press release, said that this message would “address the itinerant dimension of the Church,” with “a particular focus on our migrant brothers and sisters,” who represent “a contemporary icon of the journeying Church.” Before the World Day, a message from Pope Francis will be released.

To read the full article, please click here.

Annual ACRATH Members Gathering and General Meeting 2024: “Modern Slavery is closer than you think.”

In March 2024, Sydney will host the Annual ACRATH Members Gathering and General Meeting. Members are looking forward to meeting and discussing the significant theme “Modern Slavery is closer than you think,” as this will be the first in-person meeting since COVID.

The keynote speaker session will be available to interested partners via a Zoom webinar on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, from 7.15-8.15 p.m. (AEDT).

The A/g Assistant Secretary of the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Transition Branch, Ms. Cary Duffy, will provide the keynote address.

Registration is required by Monday, 11 March 2024. Please email your name and organisation (if relevant) to

The link details will be forwarded to registered people close to the event.

Please visit the ACRATH website to register.

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Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office
GPO Box 2720
Canberra ACT 2601

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