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ACMRO congratulates Bunbury Bishop-elect George Kolodziej SDS

 MRO DG 202501 FrGeorge

Source: ACBC Media Release

07 January 2025

The ACMRO joins the Church of Australia, especially the Diocese of Bunbury, in welcoming the appointment of Bishop-elect George Kolodziej SDS by Pope Francis on Monday, 6th January, in Rome.

Fr George, 56, was born in Dobra, Poland, and has been the Superior of the Salvatorians in Australia since October 2018.

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President, Archbishop of Perth Timothy Costelloe SDB, said the bishop-elect was “profoundly marked by the richness of his Salvatorian charism”.

“Fr George will bring a wealth of experience in parish ministry, in youth ministry, and in spiritual and pastoral accompaniment to the new mission to the Church in Bunbury to which the Lord has called him,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

“These same gifts will also enrich the life and work of his brother bishops through his involvement with them in the work of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. We look forward to welcoming him among us. “

Fr George directs the Salvatorian Spirituality Centre in Perth and is a member of the Council of Catholic Religious Australia and the Council of Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth.

He has served as a chaplain for Catholic Education Western Australia since January 2019.

Fr George’s religious journey with the Salvatorians began when he entered the novitiate in September 1987.

He made his perpetual profession in the Society of the Divine Saviour (SDS) in September 1992.

FULL STORY: New bishop for Diocese of Bunbury (ACBC Media Release)