
Church Documents on Migration

pdf Intercultural Integration

Message For the 91st World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2005

John Paul II

pdf Migration with a View to Peace

Message For the 90th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2004

John Paul II

pdf For a Commitment to Overcome All Racism, Xenophobia and Exaggerated Nationalism

Message For the 89th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2003

John Paul II

pdf Migration and Inter-Religious Dialogue

Message For the 88th World Day of Migration 2002

John Paul II

pdf Ecclesia In Asia (Excerpts)

Apostolic Exhortation - John Paul II

pdf The Jubilee which We are Rapidly Approaching

Message For the 85th World Migration Day 1999

John Paul II

pdf The Church Looks with Deep Pastoral Concern

Message For the World Migration Day 1998

John Paul II

pdf Stella Maris

Apostolic Letter - Motu Proprio

On the Maritime Apostolate

John Paul II

pdf The Circumstances of Migrants

Message For World Migration Day 1997

John Paul II

pdf Undocumented Migrants

Message For World Migration Day 1996

John Paul II

pdf May You Reach the Goals You Have Chosen

Message For World Migration Day 1995

John Paul II

pdf Problems of the Migrant Family

Message For World Migration Day 1993-94

John Paul II

pdf Church Must be ‘Neighbour’ to All

Message For World Migrants’ Day

John Paul II

pdf Love is the Most Powerful Force in Society

Message For World Migration Day 1991

John Paul II

pdf Centesimus Annus (Excerpts)

Encyclical Letter

John Paul II 

pdf Redemptoris Missio (Excerpts)

Encyclical Letter

John Paul II 

pdf Because of Migration, People Who Had No Heard the Good News, Learned About the Faith...

Because of Migration, People Who Had No Heard the Good News, Learned About the Faith and Often Appreciated and Embraced It

Message For World Migrants’ Day 1989

John Paul II

pdf I Entrust to Mary the Difficult Personal Situation of Migrants

Message For World Migrants’ Day 1988

John Paul II

pdf Catholic Laity and Migration

Message For World Migrants' Day 1987

John Paul II

pdf The Pope Feels in His Duty

Address Given in the Hall of Consistories

John Paul II

pdf It Is Just My Wish

Message For World Migrant’s Day 1985/86

John Paul II