
Increase Foreign Aid And Respect The Rule Of Law

Increase foreign aid and remittances

Poverty, conflict, persecution and human rights abuses are the main underlying conditions which force people to leave their homes and homeland. Our first response to forced migrations should always be to raise our eyes and see the suffering our brothers and sisters face in poor and war-torn countries. ACMRO advocates for generous and long-term commitments of foreign aid to address the conditions causing displacement and programs which build respect for human rights.

The increasing inequality between nations calls for an even greater spirit of generosity to give aid and trade opportunities to poor nations and to allow workers from poor nations to access Australia’s labour market. Remittances from employment have proven to be significantly larger than foreign aid and more resilient than foreign direct investment.

Uphold the rule of law

The persecution and subsequent exile of ethnic and other minority groups is caused by the breakdown in respect for the rule of law and human rights.  ACMRO wants Australia to uphold the human rights of asylum seekers, who are among the most marginalised and despised members in our community. Australia can be an authentic example for other nations and so be better placed to encourage other nations to treat people with respect and dignity. At a minimum, Australia should respect and uphold all obligations it has agreed to under various international treaties such as the 1951 Refugee Convention, and the Convention on the rights of the child. This means for example, accessing peoples claims for protection, not forcibly returning people who are in need of protection and not arbitrarily detaining or punishing people who migrate through clandestine channels.