For this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees (29 September) Pope Francis calls on us to encounter Jesus in people who flee oppression, abuse, insecurity and discrimination, and who seek our welcome and help as refugees.

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7aPeter Romar Guerrero, Bogz, as he is better known, came to Australia in 2013 as a student during which time he met his wife, Rosary Jay (Jay). Within two years Jay and Bogz welcomed little Jairus Blake Guerrero, Jabs. Those early days were challenging because of the need to juggle their time between study commitments, shift work and caring for a newborn son. Added to that, living in Sydney as a growing family was a struggle due to cost of living pressures and significant commute times meaning that everything had to be perfectly planned. For example, Jay was working from 5am to 2.30pm and Bogz started work at 3pm through to 11pm. By 1pm, Bogz and Jabs had to travel from Granville in Sydney’s west to the City where they would meet Jay at Darling Harbour to hand Jabs over too allow Bogz to start his shift. After much effort and diligence, Bogz completed his studies in Commercial Cookery in 2016 and both he and Jay we able to obtain fulltime employment resulting in a more stable lifestyle.

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