Rev James Bhagwan
General Secretary, Pacific Conference of Churches
Suva, Fiji
Born and raised in Fiji and an ordained minister of the Methodist Church in Fiji, Rev James Shri Bhagwan is in his second term as General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches, the Oceania region's peak ecumenical organisation with 35 member churches and 11 national Councils of churches from 19 Pacific Island Countries and territories, including Aotearoa New Zealand and the land now called Australia. A practicing ecumenist, Rev. James is also licenced to preach and celebrate the Sacraments in the Anglican Diocese of Polynesia. He holds a Bachelor of Divinity in Ecumenical Studies (with Honours) from the Pacific Theological College, a Master of Theology in Christian Social Ethics from the Methodist Theological University in Seoul, South Korea, and hopes to eventually finish his PhD when he can make time.
A great-grandson of labourers brought to Fiji under the British modern slavery programme known as the Indenture System, social and ecological justice are key areas of Rev. James' Christian Activism. An avid stand-up paddler and volunteer crew member, chaplain, and trustee of the Fijian Traditional Voyaging Canoe, the Uto Ni Yalo, he is heavily involved in coastal and ocean/marine protection. He has previously served as the Methodist Church in Fiji's Secretary for Communication and Overseas Mission, as well as acting General Secretary of the Fiji Council of Churches.
Rev James is also involved in gender justice work, climate justice, and development issues.