
ACMRO April 2021
Fr Khalid Marogi
During the Plenary Meeting of the Bishops Conference held in November 2020, the Bishops were advised of the appointment of Fr Khalid Marogi as the next Director of the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office. Fr Marogi will commence his appointment on 3 May 2021.

ACMRO News February 2021
A new Bulletin... to work together for the future of humanity
Pope Francis has invited the whole Church to play an active role in social, cultural and personal changes post-COVID and ensure that no one is left behind. As a result, Pope Francis established the Vatican COVID-19 Commission (VCC-19) that will analyse socio-economic, health, cultural and political challenges of the future and develop proposals to address the challenges.

ACMRO News January 2021
The 13th Global Forum on Migration and Development Summit
The Closing Plenary of the 13th Global Forum on Migration and Development Summit took place on 26 January 2021. The agenda reflected on the Summit’s outcomes and the work of GFMD in 2020 as well as creating plans and priorities for 2021.

ACMRO News November 2020
Church: Profit-driven culture leads to exploitation
Fr Maurizio Pettenà CS, the director of the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office, appeared before the Senate Select Committee on Temporary Migration on 18 November 2020.