
ACMRO News October 2019
World Day, Pope Francis: “Not just about migrants, it is about all those in existential peripheries”
On 29 September 2019, more than 40,000 people gathered with Pope Francis in St Peter’s Square to celebrate a Holy Mass for World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

ACMRO News September 2019
Pope Francis celebrates Mass for World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
On 29 September 2019, Pope Francis noted in his homily that the Lord has a particular concern for foreigners, widows and orphans because they are without rights, excluded and marginalized.

ACMRO News August 2019
Ninth Bishop Joseph Grech Colloquium on Ethics and Migration: ‘It is not just about Migrants”.
On 5 August 2019, Fr Fabio Baggio CS, Under-Secretary of the Migrant and Refugee Section of the Holy See and Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta and Chair of the Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service marked the start of a three-day national conference on missionary clergy and religious in Australia. Bishop Long spoke about Nurturing of Culture of Encounter and Hospitality. Bishop Long, the chairman of the Bishops Commission for Social Justice — Mission and Service, emphasized that we are all responsible in a way that “We are all living in an interconnected world and what we do has an impact beyond our own environment.”

ACMRO News June 2019
The ACMRO Migrant and Refugee Kit 2019 is now available online
Pope Francis has chosen the theme, “It is not just about migrants”, for the 105th World Day of Migrant and Refugees, commemorated in Australia on Sunday 25 August 2019. Included in the Kit are stories, reflections and prayers to be used in preparation of and for Migrant and Refugee Sunday. We hope that the Migrant and Refugee Kit will assist parishes and schools in commemorating this important event.